Awards and Recognitions

Image of Nathanael Frank
Fairfax County Seal

2018 Outstanding Performance Award

Fairfax County Government

Awarded for outstanding leadership in the development of a new training procurement training program for all levels of county employees and leadership.

Fairfax County Seal

2017 Departmental Honors

Fairfax County Government, Department of Procurement and Material Management

Awarded for honorable work in the development and implementation of the Department of Procurement and Material Management's internal and external website modernization and overhaul project.

Fairfax County Seal

2016 Outstanding Performance Award

Fairfax County Government

Awarded for outstanding leadership in the successful sourcing and implementation of a multi-year office supply agreement affecting all employees within the Fairfax County Government and Fairfax County Public Schools organizations. The resulting agreement created significant cost savings and environmental benefits.

Fairfax County Seal

2015 Outstanding Performance Award

Fairfax County Government

Awarded for outstanding leadership in the development and implementation of a software solution for reviewing and approving expense reports. The system created 1,000s of work hour savings resulting from reduced need to drive physicial reports from locations throughout the county.

Fairfax County Park Authority Shield

2013 Trailblazer Award

Fairfax County Park Authority

Awarded for excellence in the development of process efficiences resulting in improved staff morale and a reduction in paperwork and processing time.

Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Logo

2009 Lifesaving Award

Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department
Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Logo

2009 State Champion: Computer Networking Concepts

Future Business Leaders of America: Commonwealth of Virginia
Future Business Leaders of America

2009 County Champion: Computer Networking Concepts

Future Business Leaders of America: County of Fairfax, Virginia